

Adams&Adams Tel: 0124326000

Adams & Adams is a leading South African law firm specialising in intellectual property law, in addition to providing general commercial legal services. The firm has grown into a South African law icon, with the largest intellectual property law practice supported by a strong commercial, property and litigation practice.


Afriforum Tel: 0126444485

AfriForum is ʼn nie-regeringsorganisasie, geregistreer as ʼn Maatskappy sonder winsoogmerk, met die doel om minderhede se regte te beskerm. Hoewel die organisasie op die internasionaal erkende beginsel van minderheidsbeskerming funksioneer, het AfriForum ʼn spesifieke fokus op die regte van Afrikaners as ʼn gemeenskap in die Suidpunt van Afrika. Lidmaatskap is egter nie eksklusief nie en enige persoon wat hom met die inhoud van AfriForum se Burgerregtemanifes assosieer kan aansluit.


Eureka Tel: 0114710800

Vandag het Eureka DIY Solutions oor die 1500 vooraf verpakte produkte in bruikbare en praktiese hoeveelhede en word verteenwoordig in omtrent 90% van alle hardeware winkels in Suidelike Afrika. Eureka is bekend vir hulle helder oranje pakkies en word maklik en vinnig in winkels raakgesien. Hulle winkel uitstallings is verbruikersvriendelik met oulike kopstukke wat produkinligting formasie en wenke verskaf.

Riptide Technology

Riptide Technology Tel: 0726008051

RIPTIDE TECHNOLOGY is situated in the heart of South Africa, in Bloemfontein in the Free State. We offer our clients a variety of services which include: Domain Registrations, Domain Transfer, Unlimited Website Hosting, Website Development, Software Development, Content Management, Logo Design and Corporate Imaging.

Sentrum vir Tekstegnologie (CTexT) Noordwes-Universiteit

Sentrum vir Tekstegnologie (CTexT) Noordwes-Universiteit Tel: 0182991541

CTexT is ’n innoverende navorsings- en ontwikkelingsentrum met ’n verskeidenheid uitdagende projekte. Ons floreer op nuwe uitdagings en idees en werk meestal onder groot tydsdruk ten einde die hoogste gehalte in al ons werk te bereik. Ons skep dus geleenthede vir individualiteit binne spanverband, waar ons nie net mekaar ondersteun nie, maar mekaar ook uitdaag om nuwe hoogtes te bereik. Ons het ’n werkskultuur wat informeel, energiek en sukses-gedrewe is, en ’n werksetos wat op wedersydse respek en vertroue berus. Ons personeel is dus selfgedrewe, dinamies en innoverend. Ons geniet dit om verskeie uitdagings gelyktydig aan te pak, saam hard te werk om doelwitte te bereik en nuwe idees te ontwikkel.

Spoor & Fisher

Spoor & Fisher Tel: 0126761230

Spoor & Fisher is a specialist, full service international intellectual property (IP) law firm, with a particular focus on providing services throughout Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. Spoor & Fisher covers all aspects of intellectual property law including patents, trade marks, copyright and designs, related litigation, commercial transactions, due diligence and portfolio management. Our Trade Mark Department has specialist teams dealing with anti-counterfeiting and ambush marketing, while the Patent Department has experts in biotechnology, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, mining and mechanical inventions, nanotechnology, electronics and business method and computer software-related inventions. Our main offices are situated in South Africa and Jersey, Channel Islands.


Jeneel Technology Services Pty LtD

Jeneel Technology Services Pty LtD Tel: 0119142908

We provide an electronic system design service from concept phase through to packaged product or any phase in between. We have an extensive knowledge base and provide turn-key solutions to integrate with systems from all other engineering disciplines. Jeenel Technology Services (Pty) Ltd is a technology development company. Primarily, we specialise in electronic product development with emphasis on proper interfacing and integration with systems of other technical disciplines. Pure consultation and production of suitable products are also undertaken. Since the formation of the company in early 1999, a number of successful systems have been developed and produced to client specifications.


Leco Tel: 0119741683

LECO Africa is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the privately owned company LECO Corporation, USA, servicing the South African Analytical and Metallographic industries since 1976. We provide LECO Analytical, Metallographic, Spectrographic and Separation Science equipment, consumables and related spare parts manufactured and assembled in the USA. LECO Corporation Instrumentation Manufacturing Division is certified with the ISO-9002 accreditation, certification acquired April 29, 1993, registration number FM24045, issued by BSI Quality Assurance, United Kingdom. Today, ISO-9002 is accepted and preferred by many satisfied LECO customers as evidence of an effective quality system and approach

More Reading:

  • chief-Body

  • chimney-Brass

  • clean-Bread

  • clear-Breath

  • cliff-Brother

  • Cloth-Building

  • Coal-Burn

  • cold-Burst

  • Color-Business

  • comb-Butter

  • Hoofborge

    Riptide Technology
    Sentrum vir Tekstegnologie (CTexT) Noordwes-Universiteit
    Spoor & Fisher


    Jeneel Technology Services Pty LtD